Senza Pensieri

Design team project with Federica Genova and Lex Rivera.


Senza Pensieri is a customizable travel kit company where you can order a variety of items to bring with you while you are traveling or if you are going on vacation. The primary target audience is in the 24-40 age range, with a slight increase in women’s interest with a 60/40 ratio. Also for people that travel a lot and have a 50k-70k income.


Senza Pensieri wants to limit any chances of forgetting products and make traveling easy. No matter if you’re a first-time traveler or always on the road, we have a box for everyone. Packing can be time-consuming, so purchasing one of our customizable boxes allows customers to buy multiple products in a single click. What is so great about our boxes is that they are custom to you and can include whatever you need. There are multiple add-ons for international travel or larger bottle sizes for road trips. We want to make everyone feel special by having a product that is tailored towards them. Another part of our mission is to provide all of these products in the most eco-friendly way. If we don’t act now to save the environment, we may not be able to travel to these places in the future.
Design team project with Federica Genova and Lex Rivera.


Senza Pensieri is a customizable travel kit company where you can order a variety of items to bring with you while you are traveling or if you are going on vacation. The primary target audience is in the 24-40 age range, with a slight increase in women’s interest with a 60/40 ratio. Also for people that travel a lot and have a 50k-70k income.


Senza Pensieri wants to limit any chances of forgetting products and make traveling easy. No matter if you’re a first-time traveler or always on the road, we have a box for everyone. Packing can be time-consuming, so purchasing one of our customizable boxes allows customers to buy multiple products in a single click. What is so great about our boxes is that they are custom to you and can include whatever you need. There are multiple add-ons for international travel or larger bottle sizes for road trips. We want to make everyone feel special by having a product that is tailored towards them. Another part of our mission is to provide all of these products in the most eco-friendly way. If we don’t act now to save the environment, we may not be able to travel to these places in the future.
Design team project with Federica Genova and Lex Rivera.


Senza Pensieri is a customizable travel kit company where you can order a variety of items to bring with you while you are traveling or if you are going on vacation. The primary target audience is in the 24-40 age range, with a slight increase in women’s interest with a 60/40 ratio. Also for people that travel a lot and have a 50k-70k income.


Senza Pensieri wants to limit any chances of forgetting products and make traveling easy. No matter if you’re a first-time traveler or always on the road, we have a box for everyone. Packing can be time-consuming, so purchasing one of our customizable boxes allows customers to buy multiple products in a single click. What is so great about our boxes is that they are custom to you and can include whatever you need. There are multiple add-ons for international travel or larger bottle sizes for road trips. We want to make everyone feel special by having a product that is tailored towards them. Another part of our mission is to provide all of these products in the most eco-friendly way. If we don’t act now to save the environment, we may not be able to travel to these places in the future.



Live Link of App

Augmented Reality Feature

The app uses geo location markers to know where the user is and to track how far or close they are to the quest. It can tell you where things are near you based off of your location. The icons on the map and in the environment reveal more info when you tap or hover over them. And there is a tab on the screen you can press to reveal filters of what places you want to see on the map and screen, as well as another button you can press to access the map and the toggle live path on or off.
The app starts off by asking you to choose your destination, and then it asks you which city. After you pick what city you are in, you have to pick what quest you want to do while you are there. Once you pick what quest you want to do. It takes you to the main screen with buttons that allow you to access a map, toggle the live path on or off, and your rewards that you can access. Once you start to move the phone screen around you can see all of the places that you are near and info about them. When you follow the path that takes you to the quest, you get a reward which will be a coupon once you complete it.



As a team, we decided to focus on showing the symbol logo in some of our ads. We explored the idea of using a map and we experimented different ways to show our products on both digital and print ads. We all collaborated on the advertisement portion of this project and all of our ideas turned out to be these final results and mock ups.

As a team, we decided to focus on showing the symbol logo in some of our ads. We explored the idea of using a map and we experimented different ways to show our products on both digital and print ads. We all collaborated on the advertisement portion of this project and all of our ideas turned out to be these final results and mock ups.
As a team, we decided to focus on showing the symbol logo in some of our ads. We explored the idea of using a map and we experimented different ways to show our products on both digital and print ads. We all collaborated on the advertisement portion of this project and all of our ideas turned out to be these final results and mock ups.

Package Design

Package Design

My team and I collaborated on the mock ups and were each in charge of certain products to mock ups. I made the toothbrush holder and passport holder, and my teammates rendered out the remaining. We all collaborated our ideas to get the final results.
My team and I collaborated on the mock ups and were each in charge of certain products to mock ups. I made the toothbrush holder and passport holder, and my teammates rendered out the remaining. We all collaborated our ideas to get the final results.
My team and I collaborated on the mock ups and were each in charge of certain products to mock ups. I made the toothbrush holder and passport holder, and my teammates rendered out the remaining. We all collaborated our ideas to get the final results.

Augmented Reality Feature

The app uses geo location markers to know where the user is and to track how far or close they are to the quest. It can tell you where things are near you based off of your location. The icons on the map and in the environment reveal more info when you tap or hover over them. And there is a tab on the screen you can press to reveal filters of what places you want to see on the map and screen, as well as another button you can press to access the map and the toggle live path on or off.
The app starts off by asking you to choose your destination, and then it asks you which city. After you pick what city you are in, you have to pick what quest you want to do while you are there. Once you pick what quest you want to do. It takes you to the main screen with buttons that allow you to access a map, toggle the live path on or off, and your rewards that you can access. Once you start to move the phone screen around you can see all of the places that you are near and info about them. When you follow the path that takes you to the quest, you get a reward which will be a coupon once you complete it.


Framer 2023
